JESUS, Government, AND WAR
God not only seen Trump was stunningly hit and spared (July 13, 2024), but two days later seen fit a fatal and most opposite stunning incident occurred. More on this is given later. God by these vastly opposite stunning incidents only two days apart quite obviously is showing His sovereign hand upon BOTH government and religion. Oh God teach us you good way on a vital subject!
Some Momentous Questions To Ponder Relating To Jesus' Vital Put Away The Sword Emphasis!
Christ, the prince of peace, passionately sought to bring peace and His Father’s will to earth. And therewith commanded His followers to go into all the world and teach all nations. And as Christ’s followers go forth teaching all nations, seeking to bring God’s good will and peace to men, does God intend they preach a religious doctrine that basically condemns and leaves to evil and abandonment all governments (simply because they hold the sword)? And such, although God ordained governments to with force halt the evil doer and therewith further peace and safety on earth (Rom 13:1-7). Yes, should Christ’s followers teach the nations a Gospel which in reality counts all governments as ungodly and abandons them by declaring no one who truly follows God may fully assist governments in halting the deadly criminal to save the upright (with sword force as God intends)? And rather, all who truly follow Christ must allow all criminals to without needed restraint do their evils. And further should Christ’s followers cast all governments to evil and abandonment by advocating all who truly follow God must desert all government offices as well as voting, and therewith leave all governments to the Godless and ungodly? Yes, as Christ’s followers seek to bring God’s will and peace to earth, is that government crushing message what God intends for the nations? And finally assuredly knowing all commandments hang on a proper love for God and man, how would God's special law of love fit it with these questions? Note, we can be assured God's law of love would not favor and love the wicked of the earth more than the upright. And just why would God's law based on love, as we love all nations and seek to bring God's will to them, demand we advocate all those who truly follow God should abandon and leave all governments as evil and to evil and leave criminals on the loose although God ordained government to protect the upright, and the Bible calls them God's ministers? Note, having been raised in a religious society where voting or any involvement with Government was counted to be strictly for the ungodly world, I in bringing out these pointed questions am not only trying to teach others but myself as well.
It certainly may be a challenge to blend Christ's crucial teachings regarding turning the other cheek, loving and doing good to enemies, putting the sword back in its sheath, being harmless as a dove, and yes bearing persecution and fleeing from city to city, with those NT Scriptures that seemingly place no blame whatsoever on special sword bearing soldiers. Such as in the incident of Jesus so greatly complimenting the the Centurion (an army general) for his great and saving faith, as well as in the incident of nothing in the Bible being said about the special army general Cornelius needing to change positions after he had called for Apostle Peter to hear the Word of God and was baptized. Another example is John the Baptist telling the soldiers who wanted to know the will of God to simply do violence to no man (likely meaning to inflict nothing undeserving) and be content with their wages. Yes, somehow John while paving the way for Christ, said such to the soldiers rather then insinuating they now in Christ's new era should no longer be soldiers. Romans 12:1-7 herewith interestingly calls sword bearing government, minsters of God, which halt crime and bring peace and safety to the upright. Yes, how do we rightly blend these pro soldier and sword Scriptures with the no sword and harmless as a dove type Scriptures? Regarding these matters, people have different callings and certainly there is a time to be harmless as a dove and to bear persecution and flee from city to city, rather than to act as a police or soldier. However to claim a Godly love for humanity as it seeks to bring God's will and peace to earth will always demand those who follow God to abandon and leave all governments as evil and to evil (although God ordained them to protect the upright) is quite another story! Our confused and suffering world greatly needs heaven's truth and blessing. And herewith this website seeks to understand Scriptures on both sides of the sword issue, and examines how to most effectively, and in deed and truth bring God's good plan and will to earth as Jesus said we should pray for. And herewith don't miss the related documents below!
Pertains to what our lethal world might all consist of, and the dire inconsistency of automatically honoring
soldiers bearing deadly weapons without diligently seeking to instigate upright purposes and governments.
A Page All should Ponder Before Voting!
God Shows a Wolf And Dragon Ready To Devour USA!
God Miraculously Shows America's Dire Situation Especially Beginning in 2021!
May Those Who Care Share How God Himself Has Shown America's Dire State Especially Beginning In 2021!
Jesus in His ministry was speaking to a people who God in the past had clearly commanded to use the sword. Jeremiah 48:10 reads, "Cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood". And therewith regarding several wicked nations, God actually commanded to utterly destroy man, woman, and child. Although possibly surprising, it should not be overlooked that even in that rough war era some Scriptures advocated DOING GOOD TO ENEMIES, and yes had their place even then. Yes Jesus' do good to enemies teaching was not altogether new. Considering in those ancient times, DO GOOD TO ENEMIES TEACHINGS, obviously were not intended to fully and rigidly disallow the sword, should we conclude they now must be taken as far as to broadly rebuke or condemn the act of being a soldier or police? Yes, reprimand those Paul called ministers of God who don't bear the sword in vain, and declared worthy of payment as they while seeking to protect us, and to halt evil doers, endanger themselves (Rom 13:4-6)? Concerning those Paul declared MINISTERS OF GOD as this, would Christ like many Christians, nevertheless count them to be merely unrighteous ministers of a Kingdom other than His, although endangering their lives to protect even those of Christ's kingdom? May God help us understand His truth whatever it is! Although Jesus' famous teaching to turn the other cheek certainly has a time and meaning, interestingly Apostle Paul did not turn the other cheek, and it appears Jesus neither did so when struck (John 18:22-23, Act 23:2-3). Yes Jesus certainly instigated significant change about the sword, but just where did He place God's new boundaries? May we be open and honest in our search. In reality, although the six page document below may tend to make some more condoning or liberal about the sword, it may also, and rightly so make others much more conservative about it. It should not be overlooked that most or all the early Pentecostals stemming from the Azusa Street Revival were very opposed to war.
Many conservative Christians need to reconsider what the world really is, and therewith what genuine separation from this world really is. Actually, Jesus told His followers that the world who He chose them out of, would hate them as it hated Him, while in Christ’s setting that world was mostly the world of erring religion (John 15:18-19). And similarly, Apostle Paul said we should be dead with Christ from the rudiments of this world, and therewith called us to be separate and apart from the world of faulty and harsh religious manners (Col 2:20-23). Yes, it is very possible that those Christians whose emphasis about separation from the world is mostly focused on shunning politics, while far from separate from the bitter religious errors our world is engulfed in, have greatly missed being separate from the world as God intends. Again regarding President Trump's event of being so uniquely spared, not only was He spared but blood was placed upon his right ear, while in ancient times the right ear of the priests were anointed with blood in their consecrations, and which makes Trump's July 13 event even a bit more outstanding. And finally Trump being being spared and with blood applied to his right ear, and that followed by the most opposite, bizarre, and fatal event two days later (spoken of at, gives a striking show of God caring for government and His displeasure with closed hearted and misdirected religion. Nevertheless, our God who seen fit to spare Trump not only cares about government, but most of all certainly cares about truth, humility, open heartedness, and kindness, and therewith cares about religions and doing good to even our enemies and about Jesus vital teaching that they that take the sword will perish with it. And therewith the below document seeks to grasp God's plan on both sides of the sword issue.
JESUS AND WAR What Is God's Will On Earth?
What Does The Bible All Say, And All Scriptures Combined Say?
A Concise Conclusion Is Given After The Document
Document two (six page document)
A Concise Conclusion Of The Above Pages
Just because Christ’s kingdom is of this world (not a typical political government of this world), and rather a world wide kingdom of peace and love, (advocating doing good to enemies and putting back the sword), does not mean Christ’s Kingdom must condemn or discredit governmental use of the sword to halt evil doers and protect the righteous, or censure police or soldiers involved. Rather Romans 13 calls sword bearing governments, ministers of God who do not hold the sword in vain, and worthy of payment for what they do. Further, just because Christ's Kingdom is not a typical political government of this world, does not mean we must hold sword bearing Governments of this world at arms length as if inherently wicked institutions to stay completely apart from, rather than seeking to influence them with the good will of God in every way possible, including from within and without.
Nevertheless most wars among the nations have corruption on both sides as well as possibly having those who claim to be upright Christians on both sides. And therewith to automatically and broadly honor or endorse being a soldier in the wars among the nations is quite far from bringing God's will to earth. Whose side is God really on, as both sides will likely claim that God is on their side. And while further it is very possible that God is not really on either side of the war. May Christians thus be very careful in how they might esteem, honor, or endorse holding the sword in the wars among the nations. Unfortunately in our time, many religious people (churches) seen to automatically honor every soldier while giving little regards to promoting uprightness in their Government (and seemingly forgetting how wicked wars can be). While other religions (churches) seem to oppositely automatically condemn every soldier or police, as well as shun all voting. Unfortunately both of those extremes appear to miss God's good balance, and miss the strait and narrow road which most effectively and appropriately brings the will of God to earth!
Below are links to documents about the sword and war which I wrote in the past. Although I see things a bit different now the below documents do share many aspects to ponder. The below documents basically give no room for policemen or soldiers to be within God's foremost and perfect plan. But rather places such positions in a God's secondary plan where people certainly could be saved in their honest ignorance.
Document written in 2006
Jesus And War Much Older Article And Gives Much To Think About
Much Older Document Likely Written Around 1995
A Very Extensive and Even Earlier Document. Chapter 12 in the document shares many writings
of the Early Church Fathers about war which are quite opposed to war.
"Christ's Peaceable Kingdom" This article is Part 2 of my extensive Millennium Article
For a list of 50 other websites including videos and documents by the same writer see